Promil lets the children's Gift Soar in a fun, exciting, and gifted afternoon of kite making as they watch them soar bright in the sky with the PCGE opening the National Gifted Week last Sunday November 24, 2019

In celebration of the National Gifted Week 2019, the Philippine Center for Gifted Education Inc. (PCGE) and the Kite Association of the Philippines in partnership with PROMIL FOUR, children and their parents designed and flew a kite on Nov. 24 during the “Let Your Gift Soar” event at Luneta Park.

For this event, children can create colorful kites and watch them soar. Arts director of Masterpiece Movement Kara Escay facilitated the said activity. In addition, there were exciting games, entertainment, a parade, and other surprise held at Burnham Green Park across Luneta.

This event aims to celebrate the gift that every child possesses. It is a great way for parents to encourage the creativity of their children, have fun and spend some time together. We will also be gathering the most notable experts who will discuss and share their knowledge on how to nurture a child’s gift,” said Dr. Leticia Periano-Ho, president of PCGE.
To promote discussion and share learnings on giftedness, the PCGE gathered experts for a two-day conference. Last November 29-30 at Hive Hotel & Convention Place in Quezon City from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on both days, the conference will focus on revisiting the Multiple Intelligences.
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